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Pad Printing Exposure Unit Mod. SB TRIS

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Exposure unit for photo-incision through photopolymer pads.
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Exposure unit for photo-incision through photopolymer pads.

Composed by:
1. Contact printer equipped with:
- tray of exposure, closed by glass 5mm;
- vacuum pump;
- 4 15 W UV lamps for display of steel plates and polymer;
- Timer control exposure time from 0-150 min.
- Power consumption 140W. , voltage 230 volts single phase.;
- Max plate size: 100 x 250 mm.
2. Curing Oven:
- drawer plate with adjustable temperature setting from 0 ° to 70 °.
Mechanical timer to adjust the drying time from 0 to 30 mm. ;
- Power consumption 176 W, 230-volt single-phase voltage;
- Max plate size: 200 x 300 mm.
3. Pan:
- for manual processing of stainless steel
- Maximum plate size: 100 x 250 mm

Consumption : 2 KW
Power : 220 V
Dimensions : 400 x 450 x 400 mm
